Brew Blog

Cold Steeping Dark Specialty Grains

Cold Steeping Dark Specialty Grains

So, you want to make a dark beer of some kind but don’t want to invite in the tannic, astringent or otherwise sharp/acidic flavors that dark and very-dark roasted malts can sometimes bring to the party? Then maybe cold steeping is your answer.
Can't get the Mash Tun gasket to seat?

Can't get the Mash Tun gasket to seat?

We love our 20-gallon SS Brewtech Mash Tun—with one major complaint. Getting the false bottom to seat without the gasket coming off can be a real challenge.

We’ve started putting a thin coat of vegetable oil on the underside of the gasket and haven’t had an issue since. Seats perfectly every time.

What is Sparging?

What is Sparging?

Sparging is the rinsing of the mash grain bed to extract as much of the sugars from the grain as possible without extracting puckering tannins from the process. Typically, 1.5 times
How’s the tap water at home for brewing?

How’s the tap water at home for brewing?

Someone once said:

Water is a deceptively understated and underrated force in the making of any beer.

In any brew session, just like cooking, there are a zillion factors that can affect the success of your efforts: temps, grain crush, fresh ingredients, sanitation and water quality, etc. Colorado has pretty good water but even

Your First Wine from Fresh Grapes:

Your First Wine from Fresh Grapes:

Nothing feels as satisfying and authentic as making your first batch of wine from fresh grapes. And there's no better time to try it than in early autumn, when grapes all over the country are ripening in vineyards and backyard gardens.
WaPo: This concentrated hop powder is making brewers go crazy

WaPo: This concentrated hop powder is making brewers go crazy

The annual hop harvest is just around the corner in Washington state’s Yakima Valley, the agricultural area where 75 percent of America’s hops are grown, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And as brewers and hop brokers from across the country head to Yakima’s farms to sniff just-picked whole-cone hops and taste IPAs created to showcase different varieties, they’re also going to be talking about something that sounds far more futuristic than traditional hop farming: Cryo Hops.