Kerry Biofine® Clear is a clarifying agent designed to drop yeast and haze-forming particles out of your beer. Highly effective, Biofine Clear will make beer very bright and clear within a day or two of adding. Add between 1/4 tsp and 2 tbls after fermentation is complete, a day or two before packaging. This is a wide range for dosing, but some beers will require a higher dose than others. It is recommended to start with a small amount and add more if needed. The collagen binds with the yeast and other colloidal material in the beer, and is removed with the sediment. It does not remain in the beer. This product is a solution of colloidal silicon dioxide and is vegan.
Mon - Thur: 10am-6:00pm
Fri: 10am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 8pm
Sunday: 10am-2pm
4577 N. Pecos St.
Denver, CO 80211
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